Community Open Gardens Shortlees

Here at C.O.G.S we strive to....


  • Promote the health and wellbeing benefits of gardening.
  • Grow and share fresh produce as near to organic as possible
  • Provide support and training to our volunteers
  • Promote equality and inclusiveness in our community
  • The advancement of citizenship or community development (including rural and urban regeneration).

  • The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities are primarily intended.

Our webhosting is provided free by Kualo. We also chose to pay Kualo to be our Domain Registrar and you can find out more about that here.
Our main funders include...

Last projects


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You will find the latest information...


Add the main advantages of your business that make it unique and the best. Add text why customers have to choose your products or services and what benefits they will get after the product is purchased. Write your own text, style it and press Done.

Got some ideas? Have questions? We're ready for them.